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Friday, March 30, 2012

Saffir robot Enlarge this puppy to check out Saffir's coolest

If the robot is able to pull that fantastic feat off, SAFFiR might find

 NRL SAFFiR robot for shipped firefighting

When we posted about SAFFiR last week

Robocup winner saffir gets a kickout of being here

The Charli-L1 from Virginia Tech is Saffir's robot predecessor.
Saffir stands for "shipboard autonomous firefighting robot." I could just stop here and let that description be enough awesomeness for one day, but there's more.
This humanoid robot comes from the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory. It is designed to fit through the cramped passageways of Navy ships, interact with the sailors onboard, and fight fires with cool features like the ability to throw PEAT grenades. No, not that kind of peat. We're talking "propelled extinguishing agent technology.NRL SAFFiR robot for shipped firefighting."Queue up The Village People doing "In the Navy." Then follow it up with "Mr. Roboto" by Styx. Next, throw in Hendrix doing "Fire." Put it all together, and you'll have the perfect soundtrack for the Navy's new humanoid firefighting robot, named Saffir.saffir robot navy's, saffir humanoid robot, saffir robot out fires, saffir robots for sale, saffir android, saffir irobot, saffir computer, shaffir robot, saffir asimo, saffir robot .


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