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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

iPad owners are 3-times more likely to purchase the iPad 3

Apple’s upcoming magical tablet on it’s third iteration have been on the limelight since last month, buzzing the specs, design and release date that goes officially on March 7th. Accordingly, expectations has been already set, with whooping 2048×1536 Retina Display, a quad core A6/A5x processor, better battery, improved camera’s and 4G LTE technology. As one of the most anticipated gadgets of 2012, AYTM have presented an infographic which details out who would actually be tempted to buy one. The results are based on two surveys with one questionnaire asked from 500 iPad owners while the other was circulated among 2000 Americans who didn’t own one. iPad 3 could be the flagship of Tim Cook’s claims of mind-blowing products, find out on an infographic below to see if you’re 3-times more likely to switch or buy the next-gen iPad?


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