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Thursday, May 31, 2012

What Is Pleurisy? Symptoms diagnosis and treatment

pain in chest

pleurisy pain

pleurisy symptoms

Pleuritic chest pain

Pleurisy, also called pleuritis, is an inflammation of the pleura, which is the moist, double-layered membrane that surrounds the lungs and lines the inside of the rib cage. The condition can make breathing extremely painful. Sometimes it is associated with another condition called pleural effusion, where excess fluid fills the area between the membrane's layers.

pleurisy causes
Pleurisy and pleural effusion are generally only as serious as the underlying disease causing it. If you have either of these conditions, you may already be undergoing treatment for the underlying disease; if not, seek medical attention immediately.

symptoms of pleurisy

Basically, pleurisy is an irritation that takes on place on a certain membrane surrounding the lungs. The problem with pleurisy is that some of its early symptoms are very much similar to the ordinary sickness that plagues the public such as coughs, sore throat, and even diarrhea. And more often not, only the more advanced pleurisy symptoms are detected but the problem with this is that the illness may have already spread. Not many people know that pleurisy can also be contagious and that it is why it is very important that the public gets informed what are the symptoms of pleurisy and common signs of pleuritic pain, so they can take the necessary precautions when the time comes.

Common pleurisy symptoms

Sore throat (which can be followed by swelling in the joints and pain if left unattended)
Unexplainable weight loss
Chest pain
Rapid and shallow breathing
Vomiting blood
Ventricular tachycardia

pleurisy treatment

A pleural effusion can occur without pleurisy. Kidney disease, heart failure and liver disease can cause pleural effusion without inflammation or pain.pleurisy treatment, what is pleurisy, symptoms of pleurisy, pleurisy causes, pleurisy symptoms, pleurisy pain, pain in chest, pleurisy .


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